1.3 The Code
1.3.1 Shared
1.3.2 Client
1.3.3 Server

1.3 The Code🔗

The code is in this repository on GitHub.

I’m using the Racket programming language, "a dialect of Lisp and a descendant of Scheme". I’m fairly new to Racket and functional programming, so this is a learning experience for me.

The design of Robot World is changing as new ideas emerge - details are being be worked out on the fly. The code described here is a snapshot of an evolving design.

This code is presented in a bottom-up order. Of course, it wasn’t built that way - it reached this point incrementally and iteratively.

    1.3.1 Shared Location Direction Entity Request Occupant Reply

    1.3.2 Client Connection Bot Step Tactics Wandering TCP Client Viewer TCP Viewer

    1.3.3 Server Sequence Board Places Engine Background Draw Setup Agent Interval Dispatcher TCP Server