8.14 Board
Source code at board.rkt
The board is the two-dimesional area representing the robot world.
(struct board (width height))
A location is valid when it is part of the board.
(test-case: "valid locations" (check-true (is-valid? (board 1 1) (location 0 0))) (check-true (is-valid? (board 10 10) (location 9 9))) (check-false (is-valid? (board 1 2) (location 0 -1))) (check-false (is-valid? (board 1 2) (location -1 0))) (check-false (is-valid? (board 10 11) (location 10 9))) (check-false (is-valid? (board 11 10) (location 9 10))))
The location’s x and y coordinates are checked using the size of the board.
(define (is-valid? board location) (define (in-range? max n) (and (>= n 0) (< n max))) (and (in-range? (board-width board) (location-x location)) (in-range? (board-height board) (location-y location))))
Edges are entities outside the board. They are adjacent to locations at the boundaries of the board.
(test-case: "no edges in middle" (check-equal? (length (edges (board 3 3) (location 1 1))) 0))
(test-case: "edges at limits" (check-equal? (length (edges (board 1 1) (location 0 0))) 4))
We check in all directions from the given location and return an edge if the adjacent location is not valid.
(define (edges board location) (for/list ([adjacent (all-directions location)] #:unless (is-valid? board adjacent)) (occupant (make-edge) adjacent)))
A random location is anywhere on the board.
(test-case: "random location" (let ([board (board 3 4)]) (check-true (is-valid? board (random-location board)))))
(define (random-location board) (location (random (board-width board)) (random (board-height board))))
A random base location must have all adjacent locations available.
(test-case: "random base" (let ([board (board 4 5)]) (define (empty location) (not (= (location-x location) 0))) (check-equal? (location-x (random-base board empty)) 2)))
(define (random-base board empty?) (let ([location (location (random 1 (sub1 (board-width board))) (random 1 (sub1 (board-height board))))]) (if (andmap empty? (all-directions location)) location (random-base board empty?))))