
1.2 The World🔗

The world is a two-dimensional grid, containing a variety of entities. There are a couple of key relationships between locations in the grid:

Two locations are adjacent when they are next to each other, horizontally or vertically. In the picture on the right, the location in the center has four adjacent locations, indicated by the gray squares.


Two locations are nearby when they are next to each other, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. In the picture on the right, the location in the center has eight nearby locations, indicated by the gray squares.


The world is populated initially with randomly-placed blocks. Periodically, new blocks appear at random locations.

Each client player starts with four bots adjacent to a base, also randomly-placed. The aim is to use the bots to find blocks, and carry them back, and transfer them to a base. Each bot can only see the contents of nearby squares.

On each turn, each bot may perform one of these actions:
  • move to an open adjacent square.

  • pick up a block from an adjacent square.

  • drop a block in an open adjacent square.

  • transfer a block to a base in an adjacent square