1.3 The Code
1.3.1 Shared Location Direction Entity Request Occupant Reply
8.14 Direction🔗

Source code at direction.rkt

A direction is a procedure that returns one of the four adjacent locations that a bot can move to from its current location. Directions are named after the primary compass points. Here are the results of all the possible moves from a location.

 "moves in all directions"
 (check-equal? (direction-north (location 5 6)) (location 5 7))
 (check-equal? (direction-south (location 5 6)) (location 5 5))
 (check-equal? (direction-east (location 5 6)) (location 6 6))
 (check-equal? (direction-west (location 5 6)) (location 4 6)))

We define a procedure move to create the new location. The four directions are partially-applied instances of this procedure.

(define ((move delta-x delta-y) from)
  (location (+ (location-x from) delta-x)
            (+ (location-y from) delta-y)))
(define direction-north (move 0 1))
(define direction-east (move 1 0))
(define direction-south (move 0 -1))
(define direction-west (move -1 0))

We can list the locations in all directions from a source location. The #:except keyword excludes a direction.

 "all directions from location"
 (check-equal? (all-directions (location 1 2))
               (list (location 1 3) (location 2 2) (location 1 1) (location 0 2)))
 (check-equal? (all-directions (location 1 2) #:except direction-east)
               (list (location 1 3) (location 1 1) (location 0 2))))

Each item is the result of a movement from the source location.

(define directions (list direction-north direction-east direction-south direction-west))

(define (all-directions source #:except [except -1])
  (for/list ([direction directions] #:when (not (equal? direction except)))
    (direction source)))

The direction from one location to another is a direction that will move a bot closer to a destination.

 "direction from location to location"
 (check-equal? (direction-from (location 1 1) (location 2 1)) direction-east)
 (check-equal? (direction-from (location 1 1) (location 3 4)) direction-north)
 (check-equal? (direction-from (location 1 1) (location 4 3)) direction-east)
 (check-equal? (direction-from (location 1 4) (location 3 1)) direction-south)
 (check-equal? (direction-from (location 4 1) (location 1 3)) direction-west))

The direction returned will reduce the larger of the x and y difference.

(define (direction-from from to)
  (let-values ([(difference-x difference-y) (location-offset from to)])
    (if (> (abs difference-x) (abs difference-y))
        (if (positive? difference-x) direction-west direction-east)
        (if (positive? difference-y) direction-south direction-north))))