8.14 Bot
Source code at bot.rkt
A bot is an entity that is controlled by client code.
It can pick up a block entity.
This is stored in the cargo field.
It also has a list of nearby entities that it can see, in the neighbors field.
(struct bot (id location cargo neighbors))
(define (make-bot reply) (bot (reply-id reply) (reply-location reply) (reply-cargo reply) (reply-neighbors reply)))
Adjacent entities are ones at locations adjacent to the bot’s location.
(test-case: "adjacent block found" (let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot)] [block1 (entity 102 type-block)] [block2 (entity 102 type-block)] [bot2 (entity 103 type-bot)] [bot (bot bot1 (location 1 1) #f (list (occupant bot2 (location 2 1)) (occupant block1 (location 1 2)) (occupant block2 (location 2 2))))] [adjacent (adjacent-entities bot type-block)]) (check-equal? (length adjacent) 1) (check-equal? (first adjacent) (occupant block1 (location 1 2)))))
(test-case: "block not adjacent" (let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot)] [block1 (entity 102 type-block)] [block2 (entity 102 type-block)] [bot (bot bot1 (location 1 1) #f (list (occupant block1 (location 0 2)) (occupant block2 (location 2 2))))] [adjacent (adjacent-entities bot type-block)]) (check-equal? (length adjacent) 0)))
We filter the bot’s neighbors to find adjacent entities of a requested type.
(define (adjacent-entities bot type) (filter (λ (neighbor) (and (= (occupant-type neighbor) type) (adjacent? (occupant-location neighbor) (bot-location bot)))) (bot-neighbors bot)))
A bot can change direction.
(test-case: "new direction is different" (let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot)] [block (entity 102 type-block)] [bot (bot bot1 (location 1 1) #f (list (occupant block (location 1 2))))] [new (change-direction bot direction-west)]) (check-true (or (equal? new direction-east) (equal? new direction-south))) (check-false (and (equal? new direction-north) (equal? new direction-west)))))
A new direction is chosen at random from the valid candidates. If there are no candidates, the direction is unchanged.
(define (change-direction bot old-direction) (define (valid-change? location) (not (findf (λ (neighbor) (equal? location (occupant-location neighbor))) (bot-neighbors bot)))) (let* ([candidates (filter valid-change? (all-directions (bot-location bot) #:except old-direction))] [count (length candidates)]) (if (= count 0) old-direction (direction-from (bot-location bot) (list-ref candidates (random count))))))