8.14 Places🔗
Places are a record of where all the entities in the game are located.
This information is stored in a hash table.
The key is an entity id, and the value is a placement structure containing the entity and its place.
(struct places (hash)) |
(define (make-places) (places (make-hash))) |
(struct placement (entity place) #:transparent)
A place can be at a location on the game board.
Otherwise, the place is the id of another entity that is carying the entity as cargo.
(test-case: |
"place types" |
(check-true (at-location? (location 1 2))) |
(check-false (at-location? 101))) |
(define (at-location? place) (not (number? place)))
Two places are the same place if they have the same type and same value.
(test-case: |
"same place" |
(check-true (same-place? (location 1 1) (location 1 1))) |
(check-false (same-place? (location 1 1) (location 1 2))) |
(check-false (same-place? 101 (location 1 1))) |
(check-true (same-place? 101 101))) |
(define (same-place? a b) |
(and (equal? (at-location? a) (at-location? b)) |
(equal? a b))) |
We can place an entity in the table and retrieve an occupant by id.
(test-case: |
"place and retrieve" |
(let ([places (make-places)] |
[block (entity 101 type-block)]) |
(place-entity places block (location 1 2)) |
(check-equal? (occupant-by-id places 101) (occupant block (location 1 2))) |
(place-entity places block 123) |
(check-false (occupant-by-id places 101)) |
(check-false (occupant-by-id places 999)))) |
This is done with basic hash table functions.
(define (occupant-by-id places id) |
(let ([placement (hash-ref (places-hash places) id #f)]) |
(and placement (at-location? (placement-place placement)) |
(occupant (placement-entity placement) (placement-place placement))))) |
(define (place-entity places entity place) |
(hash-set! (places-hash places) (entity-id entity) (placement entity place))) |
(define (place-by-id places id) |
(let ([placement (hash-ref (places-hash places) id #f)]) |
(and placement (placement-place placement)))) |
We can apply a procedure to all values in the table to filter and map occupants of locations.
This can also be done to filter and map cargos.
(test-case: |
"map entities" |
(define (get-id entity place) (entity-id entity)) |
(let ([places (make-places)]) |
(place-entity places (entity 101 type-bot) (location 1 1)) |
(place-entity places (entity 102 type-block) 101) |
(check-equal? (filter-map-occupants places get-id) '(101)) |
(check-equal? (filter-map-cargos places get-id) '(102)))) |
The values in the table are checked for the type of place and then the procedure is applied.
(define (filter-map-occupants places procedure) |
(~>> places places-hash hash-values |
(filter-map (λ (item) |
(and (at-location? (placement-place item)) |
(procedure (placement-entity item) (placement-place item))))))) |
(define (filter-map-cargos places procedure) |
(~>> places places-hash hash-values |
(filter-map (λ (item) |
(and (not (at-location? (placement-place item))) |
(procedure (placement-entity item) (placement-place item))))))) |
We can find an entity at a place.
(test-case: |
"retrieve by place" |
(let ([places (make-places)] |
[block1 (entity 101 type-block)] |
[block2 (entity 102 type-block)]) |
(place-entity places block1 (location 1 2)) |
(place-entity places block2 104) |
(place-entity places (entity 103 type-block) (location 2 4)) |
(check-false (entity-at places 101)) |
(check-equal? (entity-at places (location 1 2)) block1) |
(check-equal? (entity-at places 104) block2))) |
The hash-values function returns a list of the values in the table.
We can then find a instance matching a place.
(define (entity-at places place) |
(let ([match |
(~>> places places-hash hash-values |
(findf (λ (placement) (same-place? place (placement-place placement)))))]) |
(and match (placement-entity match)))) |