8.14 Tactics
Source code at tactics.rkt
This is a collection of functions for use in implementing an action strategy.
The direction change chance is the chance of making a random direction change when a bot is wandering around the world. This is set to a 20% chance.
(define direction-change-chance (make-parameter 0.2))
The choice structure is used to return information about what a strategy has chosen for the next action.
(struct choice (type parameter direction))
When a strategy chooses to move a bot, the choice parameter is the destination.
(test-case: "choose move" (let ([choice (choose-move direction-west direction-east (step #f request-move #f #t (bot #f (location 2 1) #f #f)))]) (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move) (check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) (location 1 1)) (check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-west)))
(define (move-failed? step) (and (equal? (step-request-type step) request-move) (not (step-success? step))))
(define (choose-move chosen-direction current-direction step) (let ([direction (if (move-failed? step) (change-direction (step-bot step) current-direction) chosen-direction)]) (choice request-move (direction (step-location step)) direction)))
When a strategy chooses to take a block, the choice parameter is block id. The next move direction is the direction to the block.
(test-case: "choose take" (let ([choice (choose-take (bot (entity 101 type-bot) (location 1 1) #f #f) (occupant (entity 102 type-block) (location 1 2)))]) (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-take) (check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) 102) (check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-north)))
(define (choose-take bot block) (let ([take-direction (direction-from (bot-location bot) (occupant-location block))]) (choice request-take (occupant-id block) take-direction)))
When a strategy chooses to transfer a block to a base, the choice parameter is the base id. The next move direction is away from the base.
(test-case: "choose transfer" (let* ([base (occupant (entity 102 type-base) (location 1 2))] [choice (choose-transfer (bot (entity 101 type-bot) (location 1 1) #f (list base)) base)]) (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-transfer) (check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) 102) (check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-south)))
(define (choose-transfer bot base) (choice request-transfer (occupant-id base) (direction-from (occupant-location base) (bot-location bot))))