8.14 Dispatcher
Source code at dispatcher.rkt
The dispatcher takes requests from clients and executes the appropriate procedures on the server.
It uses an agent to validate the requests, and an engine to perform the requested actions.
The dispatcher uses an interval to delay requests to limit the rate of execution for each client.
(define (make-dispatcher) (let ([agent (make-agent)] [interval (make-interval)]) (λ (engine request) (interval) (dispatch-request engine agent request))))
An invalid request returns an error message.
(test-case: "invalid request" (check-equal? (dispatch-request (make-engine 4 5) (make-agent) '(#f)) "invalid request"))
If the agent matches the request, a procedure is executed, based on the request. Otherwise, a message is returned.
(define (dispatch-request engine agent request) (if (match-request agent request) (cond [(equal? request request-draw) (draw-entities players (engine-places engine))] [(equal? request request-hello) (execute-hello engine agent)] [else (dispatch-list engine agent request)]) "invalid request"))
A hello request returns a list of new bots assigned to the client.
(test-case: "execute hello" (let* ([agent (make-agent)] [reply (dispatch-request (make-engine 40 50) agent request-hello)]) (check-true (andmap (λ (item) (equal? (find-agent (list agent) (reply-id item)) 0)) reply) "returns new bots")))
A hello request executes a procedure to set up bots.
(define (execute-hello engine agent) (let ([bots (setup-bots engine)]) (assign-bots! agent (map entity-id bots)) (map (λ (entity) ((make-reply #t (entity-id entity)) engine)) bots)))
(define ((make-reply success? entity-id) engine) (let-values ([(occupant cargo neighbors) (entity-info engine entity-id)]) (reply (if success? #t #f) (occupant-id occupant) (occupant-location occupant) cargo neighbors)))
A list of commands returns bot information for each command.
(test-case: "requests from player" (let* ([engine (make-engine 4 5)] [bot1 (add-entity engine type-bot (location 1 1))] [agent (make-agent)]) (match-request agent request-hello) (check-equal? (dispatch-request engine agent (list (request request-move (entity-id bot1) (location 2 1)))) (list (reply #t 101 (location 2 1) #f '())))))
The engine procedure to be executed is accessed from a vector, based on the request type.
(define player-procedures (vector drop-entity move-entity take-entity transfer-entity))
(define (dispatch-list engine agent request-list) (define (execute request) (let* ([procedure (vector-ref player-procedures (request-type request))] [success? (procedure engine (request-id request) (request-parameter request))]) (when (and success? (= (request-type request) request-transfer)) (add-to-score agent 1)) (make-reply success? (request-id request)))) (map (λ (make-reply) (make-reply engine)) (map execute request-list)))