1.2 Client
1.2.1 Connection
1.2.2 Bot
1.2.3 Action
1.2.4 Tactics
1.2.5 Wandering
1.2.6 Gathering
1.2.7 TCP Client
1.2.8 Viewer
1.2.9 TCP Viewer
1.2.5 Wandering🔗

Source code at wandering.rkt

Wandering is a strategy where bots wander randomly, taking blocks when they find them, and dropping them nearby other blocks. This results in blocks being grouped into clusters.

Of course, this isn’t really a strategy, and at this point the game does not have any goals that a strategy can pursue anyway. It is a partial copy of the current strategy in the orginal version of the game. Its main purpose is as an example, to help evolve the structure of the game.

The strategy keeps track of the current direction each bot is facing. To avoid repeatedly taking and dropping the same block, it also maintains a delay in between these actions.

(struct wandering (direction cargo-delay))

At the start of the game, a list of actions is generated from the list of bots assigned to the client.

(define (wandering-actions replies)
   (λ (reply) (action (wander (wandering direction-east 0)) #f #f #t (make-bot reply)))

At each turn, a choice is made for each bot and the action is updated.

(define ((wander spec) input-action)
  (let ([choice (choose spec input-action)])
     action input-action
     [request-type (choice-type choice)]
     [parameter (choice-parameter choice)]
     [strategy (wander (wandering (choice-direction choice) (choice-delay choice)))])))

A couple of helper methods for testing

(module+ test
  (define (choose-input
           #:success [success #t]
           #:cargo [cargo #f]
           #:command [command #f]
           #:neighbors [neighbors '()])
    (action choose command #f success
            (bot (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1)) cargo neighbors))))
(module+ test
  (define (wander-with
           #:chance [chance 0]
           #:cargo-delay [cargo-delay 0]
    (parameterize ([direction-change-chance chance])
      (choose (wandering direction-east cargo-delay) input))))

If there’s nothing nearby, keep moving in the same direction

 "move in current direction"
 (let ([choice (wander-with #:cargo-delay 5 (choose-input))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move)
   (check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-east)
   (check-equal? (choice-delay choice) 4)))

Randomly change direction

 "move in random direction"
 (let ([choice (wander-with #:chance 1 (choose-input))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move)
   (check-not-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-east)))

If the current movement is stopped, change direction.

 "change direction if can't move"
 (let ([choice (wander-with (choose-input #:success #f #:command request-move))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move)
   (check-not-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-east)))

If a block is nearby, take it, and start a delay.

 "take nearby block"
 (let ([choice (wander-with
                (choose-input #:neighbors (list (entity 102 type-block (location 1 0)))))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-take)
   (check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) 102)
   (check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-south)
   (check-equal? (choice-delay choice) 5)))

If the delay hasn’t elapsed yet, don’t take the block.

 "delay taking nearby block"
 (let ([choice (wander-with
                #:cargo-delay 1
                (choose-input #:neighbors (list (entity 102 type-block (location 1 0)))))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move)))

If a block is nearby, drop the cargo block, and start a delay.

 "drop nearby block"
 (let ([choice (wander-with
                (choose-input #:neighbors (list (entity 102 type-block (location 2 2)))
                              #:cargo (entity 103 type-block (location 0 0))))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-drop)
   (check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-north)
   (check-equal? (choice-delay choice) 5)
   (check-not-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-north)))

If the delay hasn’t elapsed yet, don’t drop the block.

 "delay dropping nearby block"
 (let ([choice (wander-with
                #:cargo-delay 1
                (choose-input #:neighbors (list (entity 102 type-block (location 2 2)))
                              #:cargo (entity 103 type-block (location 0 0))))])
   (check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move)))

The strategy makes a choice.

(define (choose spec input)
  (define (pick-direction)
    (let ([old-direction (wandering-direction spec)])
      (if (or (and (equal? (action-request-type input) request-move)
                   (not (action-success? input)))
              (> (direction-change-chance) (random)))
          (change-direction (action-bot input) old-direction)
  (if (and (= (wandering-cargo-delay spec) 0)
           (bot-cargo (action-bot input))
           (blocks-nearby? (action-bot input)))
      (choose-drop (action-bot input))
      (let ([blocks (removable-blocks (action-bot input))])
        (if (and (= (wandering-cargo-delay spec) 0)
                 (> (length blocks) 0))
            (choose-take (action-bot input) (first blocks))
            (choose-move (pick-direction) (wandering-cargo-delay spec))))))