1.2.4 Tactics🔗
This is a collection of functions for use in implementing an action strategy.
The direction change chance is the chance of making a random direction change when a bot is wandering around the world.
This is set to a 20% chance.
(define direction-change-chance (make-parameter 0.2))
There are blocks nearby if they are in the bot’s neighbor list.
(test-case: |
"blocks nearby" |
(check-true (blocks-nearby? (bot #f #f (list (entity 101 type-block #f))))) |
(check-false (blocks-nearby? (bot #f #f (list (entity 101 type-bot #f))))) |
(check-false (blocks-nearby? (bot #f #f '())))) |
(define (blocks-nearby? bot) |
(ormap (λ (entity) (= (entity-type entity) type-block)) |
(bot-neighbors bot))) |
The choice structure is used to return information about what a strategy has chosen for the next action.
(struct choice (type parameter direction delay))
When a strategy chooses to drop a block, the choice parameter is the direction to a free location.
The next move direction is different from the drop direction, and the delay before taking another block is 5 turns.
(test-case: |
"free location found" |
(let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1))] |
[block (entity 102 type-block (location 1 2))] |
[bot (bot bot1 #f (list block))] |
[choice (choose-drop bot)]) |
(check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-drop) |
(check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-east) |
(check-not-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-east) |
(check-equal? (choice-delay choice) 5))) |
The direction chosen places the block in a location with the most adjacent blocks.
(test-case: |
"best location found" |
(let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1))] |
[block1 (entity 102 type-block (location 0 0))] |
[block2 (entity 103 type-block (location 2 0))] |
[choice (choose-drop (bot bot1 #f (list block1 block2)))]) |
(check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-south))) |
The direction chosen doesn’t move outside the world
(test-case: |
"free location not outside world" |
(let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot (location 49 49))] |
[edge1 (make-edge (location 50 49))] |
[edge2 (make-edge (location 49 50))] |
[block (entity 102 type-block (location 49 48))] |
[choice (choose-drop (bot bot1 #f (list edge1 edge2 block)))]) |
(check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-west))) |
The chosen direction is the one to the free location with most adjacent blocks
(define (choose-drop bot) |
(define (score location) |
(if (is-free? bot location) (count-adjacent bot location) -1)) |
(let* ([drop-location (argmax score (all-directions (bot-location bot)))] |
[drop-direction (direction-from (bot-location bot) drop-location)]) |
(choice request-drop drop-direction |
(change-direction bot drop-direction) 5))) |
(define (count-adjacent bot location) |
(define (adjacent-block? entity) |
(and (= (entity-type entity) type-block) |
(adjacent? (entity-location entity) location))) |
(count adjacent-block? (bot-neighbors bot))) |
When a strategy chooses to move a bot, the delay before taking another block is reduced by one.
(test-case: |
"delay reduced" |
(let ([choice (choose-move direction-west 5)]) |
(check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-move) |
(check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) direction-west) |
(check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-west) |
(check-equal? (choice-delay choice) 4))) |
(define (choose-move direction delay) |
(choice request-move direction direction (max 0 (- delay 1)))) |
When a strategy chooses to take a block, the choice parameter is block id.
The next move direction is the direction to the block, and the delay before taking another block is 5 turns.
(test-case: |
"choose take" |
(let ([choice (choose-take |
(bot (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1)) #f #f) |
(entity 102 type-block (location 1 2)))]) |
(check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-take) |
(check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) 102) |
(check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-north) |
(check-equal? (choice-delay choice) 5))) |
(define (choose-take bot block) |
(let ([take-direction (direction-from (bot-location bot) (entity-location block))]) |
(choice request-take (entity-id block) take-direction 5))) |
When a strategy chooses to transfer a block to a base, the choice parameter is the base id.
The next move direction is away from the base.
The delay is not used.
(test-case: |
"choose transfer" |
(let ([choice (choose-transfer |
(bot (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1)) #f |
(list (entity 102 type-base (location 1 2)))))]) |
(check-equal? (choice-type choice) request-transfer) |
(check-equal? (choice-parameter choice) 102) |
(check-equal? (choice-direction choice) direction-south))) |
(define (choose-transfer bot) |
(let ([base (findf (λ (item) (equal? (entity-type item) type-base)) (bot-neighbors bot))]) |
(choice request-transfer (entity-id base) |
(direction-from (entity-location base) (bot-location bot)) 0))) |
Removeable blocks are ones that are adjacent to a bot and are not adjacent to two other blocks.
(test-case: |
"removable block found" |
(let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1))] |
[block1 (entity 102 type-block (location 1 2))] |
[block2 (entity 102 type-block (location 2 2))] |
[bot2 (entity 103 type-bot (location 2 1))] |
[bot (bot bot1 #f (list bot2 block1 block2))] |
[removable (removable-blocks bot)]) |
(check-equal? (length removable) 1) |
(check-equal? (first removable) block1))) |
(test-case: |
"block not removable" |
(let* ([bot1 (entity 101 type-bot (location 1 1))] |
[block1 (entity 102 type-block (location 1 2))] |
[block2 (entity 102 type-block (location 2 2))] |
[block3 (entity 103 type-block (location 0 2))] |
[bot (bot bot1 #f (list block1 block2 block3))] |
[removable (removable-blocks bot)]) |
(check-equal? (length removable) 0))) |
We filter the bot’s neighbors to find removable blocks
(define (removable-blocks bot) |
(filter (λ (entity) |
(and (= (entity-type entity) type-block) |
(adjacent? (entity-location entity) (bot-location bot)) |
(< (count-adjacent bot (entity-location entity)) 2))) |
(bot-neighbors bot))) |