1.2 Client
1.2.1 Connection
1.2.2 Bot
1.2.3 Action
1.2.4 Tactics
1.2.5 Wandering
1.2.6 Gathering
1.2.7 TCP Client
1.2.8 Viewer
1.2.9 TCP Viewer
1.2.3 Action🔗

Source code at action.rkt

An action is a single operation requested by a client, to be performed on one bot. The action strategy is a function that chooses the next operation, specified by the request type and the parameter. The result of the operation is its success status and the bot after the operation.

(struct action (strategy request-type parameter success? bot))

To perform actions, the strategy functions set the request types and parameters, and new strategies for subsequent actions. The requests are sent to the server, and the replies are saved.

 "actions are performed"
 (define (go-north input-action)
   (struct-copy action input-action [strategy go-east]
                [request-type request-move] [parameter direction-north]))
 (define (go-east input-action)
   (struct-copy action input-action [strategy go-north]
                [request-type request-move] [parameter direction-east]))
 (define actions
    (action go-north #f #f #f (bot (entity 101 type-bot #f) #f '()))
    (action go-east #f #f #f (bot (entity 102 type-bot #f) #f '()))))
 (define (fake-connection requests)
   (map (λ (request)
          (reply #t (~a "fakebot " request) #f #f)) requests))
 (let* ([action-list (perform-actions fake-connection actions)])
   (check-true (~> action-list first action-success?))
   (check-equal? (~> action-list first action-bot bot-entity) "fakebot #s(request 1 101 0)")
   (check-equal? (~> action-list first action-strategy) go-east)
   (check-true (~> action-list second action-success?))
   (check-equal? (~> action-list second action-bot bot-entity) "fakebot #s(request 1 102 1)")
   (check-equal? (~> action-list second action-strategy) go-north)))

The actions are performed in these steps:
  • the strategies are performed

  • the requests are created

  • the requests are sent to the server

  • the actions are copied with the reply information updated

(define (perform-actions connection action-list)
  (define (perform-strategy action)
    ((action-strategy action) action))
  (define (make-request action)
     (action-request-type action)
     (bot-id (action-bot action))
     (action-parameter action)))
  (define (copy-action reply input-action)
    (struct-copy action input-action
                 [success? (reply-success? reply)] [bot (make-bot reply)]))
  (let ([actions (map perform-strategy action-list)])
    (map copy-action
         (connection (map make-request actions))