2.1 Candidates
Source code at candidate.rkt
I have an idea of an integer for each cell on the board, using a bit for each candidate value from one to nine. On an empty board, every cell would have all nine bits on, since all values are valid candidates for every cell. If we use a vector of 81 cells for the board, an empty board would look like this:
(define (empty-board) (make-vector 81 511))
When a cell has been assigned a value, it will have only a single bit set. This will be one of these single values.
(define single-values #(1 2 4 8 16 32 64 128 256))
To update the board as cell values are assigned, we’ll need a couple of functions.
test-case: is a macro that makes it easier to interleave test and production code: source at testing.rkt
(test-case: "set single bit" (check-equal? (set-single-bit 1) 1) (check-equal? (set-single-bit 9) 256))
(define (set-single-bit value) (arithmetic-shift 1 (- value 1)))
Second, for cells in the same row, column, or square, we want to clear the bit, removing one candidate value for the cell.
(test-case: "clear bit" (check-equal? (clear-bit 256 511) 255) (check-equal? (clear-bit 1 15) 14) (check-equal? (clear-bit 1 2) 2))
(define (clear-bit bit current-bits) (bitwise-and current-bits (bitwise-not bit)))
Now we need to determine which cells are in the same row, column, or square as a given cell.
The cells in a row are numbered consecutively.
(test-case: "cells in row" (check-equal? (cells-in-row 0) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) (check-equal? (cells-in-row 8) '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8)) (check-equal? (cells-in-row 9) '(9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)) (check-equal? (cells-in-row 80) '(72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80)))
(define (cells-in-row cell-number) (for/list ([i 9]) (+ i (* 9 (quotient cell-number 9)))))
The cells in a column are numbered in increments of 9.
(test-case: "cells in column" (check-equal? (cells-in-column 0) '(0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72)) (check-equal? (cells-in-column 72) '(0 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72)) (check-equal? (cells-in-column 1) '(1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73)) (check-equal? (cells-in-column 80) '(8 17 26 35 44 53 62 71 80)))
(define (cells-in-column cell-number) (for/list ([i 9]) (+ (* i 9) (remainder cell-number 9))))
The cells in a square are ... a bit trickier.
(test-case: "cells in square" (check-equal? (cells-in-square 0) '(0 1 2 9 10 11 18 19 20)) (check-equal? (cells-in-square 20) '(0 1 2 9 10 11 18 19 20)) (check-equal? (cells-in-square 3) '(3 4 5 12 13 14 21 22 23)) (check-equal? (cells-in-square 27) '(27 28 29 36 37 38 45 46 47)) (check-equal? (cells-in-square 80) '(60 61 62 69 70 71 78 79 80)))
(define (cells-in-square cell-number) (for*/list ([i 3] [j 3]) (+ j (* 9 i) (* 3 (quotient (remainder cell-number 9) 3)) (* 27 (quotient cell-number 27)))))
Now we can create a list of related cells for each position on the board - the cells in the same row, column, or square.
(define related-cells (for/vector ([i 81]) (remove i (remove-duplicates (append (cells-in-row i) (cells-in-column i) (cells-in-square i))))))
A useful function for testing converts a board to a string. A cell that has been assigned a value appears as the digit 1-9. A cell that has multiple candidate values appears as the hex value of the bits. This requires 3 characters to show the 9 bits. The first character is always 0 or 1, and to provide a visual separation, this character appears as a superscript. Each row is suffixed with a new line character.
(test-case: "board to string" (check-equal? (board->string #(1 256 3 511 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2)) "19°03¹ff11111\n222222222\n"))
(define (board->string board) (define (hex prefix value) (string-append prefix (string-pad (number->string value 16) 2 #\0))) (define (cell->string cell-value) (let ([single (vector-member cell-value single-values)]) (if single (number->string (+ single 1)) (if (< cell-value 256) (hex "°" cell-value) (hex "¹" (- cell-value 256)))))) (string-join (for/list ([i (in-range 0 (vector-length board) 9)]) (string-join (for/list ([cell (in-vector board i (+ i 9))]) (cell->string cell)) "")) "\n" 'suffix))
To assign a cell value, we set the single bit and clear bits in all the related cells.
(test-case: "assign value" (check-equal? (board->string (assign-cell-value (empty-board) 0 8)) (string-append "8¹7f¹7f¹7f¹7f¹7f¹7f¹7f¹7f\n" (xsubstring "¹7f¹7f¹7f¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff\n" 0 56) (xsubstring "¹7f¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff¹ff\n" 0 168))))
(define (assign-cell-value board position value) (set-value board position (set-single-bit value)))
(define (set-value board position bit-value) (define (apply-mask target-cell mask) (let* ([original-value (vector-ref board target-cell)] [new-value (clear-bit mask original-value)]) (unless (= new-value original-value) (vector-set! board target-cell new-value) (when (vector-member new-value single-values) (set-value board target-cell new-value))))) (vector-set! board position bit-value) (for ([related-cell (in-list (vector-ref related-cells position))]) (apply-mask related-cell bit-value)) board)
As we assign cell values, the number of candidates for a related cell may be reduced to just one. This means we have derived the value for that cell, and can update its related cells recursively.
In this example, eight of the nine values in the top left square are assigned, so the ninth value can be derived. Seven of the nine values in the top row are assigned, and the derived value is the eighth. So the ninth value in the top row can also be derived.
(test-case: "assign derived" (check-equal? (board->string (assign-cell-values "12 45678 456 789")) (string-append "123456789\n456¹c7¹c7¹c7°07°07°07\n789°07°07°07°3f°3f°3f\n" (xsubstring "¹b6¹6d°db¹f7¹ef¹df¹bf¹7f°ff\n" 0 168))))
(define (assign-cell-values cells) (let ([board (empty-board)]) (for ([i (string-length cells)] [value cells]) (when (char-numeric? value) (assign-cell-value board i (- (char->integer value) (char->integer #\0))))) board))
This is enough to solve some easy puzzles.
(define (easy-1) (board->string (assign-cell-values "43 618 5 2 3 84 7 1 4 6 894 2 3 65 28 1 4928 3 4 83 15 967 8")))
> (display (easy-1))
Medium puzzles will require more work to solve.
(define (medium-1) (board->string (assign-cell-values " 49 1 6 1 8 3 4 272 54783 13 41 69756 7 9 7 2 32 1 83 19")))
> (display (medium-1))