1.1 Shared
1.1.1 Location
1.1.2 Direction
1.1.3 Entity
1.1.4 Bot
1.1.1 Location

Source code at location.rkt

A location in the 2-D grid world is identified by two non-negative integer coordinates.

(struct location (x y) #:prefab)

This defines a structure called location with fields x and y. The #:prefab option makes the structure serializable, so we can send over the network between client and server.

The location offset from one location to another is the differences between their x-coordinates and between their y-coordinates. Here’s a test that shows a couple of examples:
 "location offset"
 (define (check-offset to from expected-x expected-y)
   (let-values ([(delta-x delta-y) (location-offset to from)])
     (check-equal? delta-x expected-x "x")
     (check-equal? delta-y expected-y "y")))
 (check-offset (location 3 6) (location 1 2) 2 4)
 (check-offset (location 1 2) (location 4 3) -3 -1))
In the helper procedure check-offset, we get the two values returned from location-offset and check them with the expected values.

The implementation is simple.
(define (offset field a b) (- (field a) (field b)))
(define (location-offset to from)
  (values (offset location-x to from)
          (offset location-y to from)))

We can define some useful relationships between locations. Two locations are adjacent when they are next to each other, horizontally or vertically. In the picture on the right, the location in the center has four adjacent locations, indicated by the gray squares.


Here are some examples of adjacent and non-adjacent locations:

 "adjacent locations"
 (check-false (adjacent? (location 1 1) (location 1 1)))
 (check-true (adjacent? (location 1 1) (location 1 2)))
 (check-true (adjacent? (location 1 1) (location 2 1)))
 (check-false (adjacent? (location 3 4) (location 2 1))))

Locations are adjacent when the difference of the x-coordinates and difference of the y-coordinates add up to 1.

(define (difference field a b) (abs (offset field a b)))
(define (adjacent? a b)
  (= 1 (+ (difference location-x a b)
          (difference location-y a b))))

Two locations are nearby when they are next to each other, horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. In the picture on the right, the location in the center has eight nearby locations, indicated by the gray squares.


Here are some examples of nearby locations:

 "nearby locations"
 (check-false (nearby? (location 1 1) (location 1 1)))
 (check-true (nearby? (location 1 1) (location 1 2)))
 (check-true (nearby? (location 1 1) (location 2 2)))
 (check-false (nearby? (location 3 4) (location 2 2))))

Locations are nearby when the maximum of the difference of the x-coordinates and the difference of the y-coordinates is 1.

(define (nearby? a b)
  (= 1 (max (difference location-x a b)
            (difference location-y a b))))