1.1.1 Location
Source code at location.rkt
A location in the 2-D grid world is identified by two non-negative integer coordinates.
(struct location (x y) #:prefab)
This defines a structure called location with fields x and y.
The #:prefab option makes the structure serializable, so we can send over the network between client and server.
The location offset from one location to another is the differences between their x-coordinates and between their y-coordinates.
Here’s a test that shows a couple of examples:
(test-case "location offset" (define (check-offset to from expected-x expected-y) (let-values ([(delta-x delta-y) (location-offset to from)]) (check-equal? delta-x expected-x "x") (check-equal? delta-y expected-y "y"))) (check-offset (location 3 6) (location 1 2) 2 4) (check-offset (location 1 2) (location 4 3) -3 -1))
In the helper procedure check-offset, we get the two values returned from location-offset and check them with the expected values.
The implementation is simple.
(define (offset field a b) (- (field a) (field b))) (define (location-offset to from) (values (offset location-x to from) (offset location-y to from)))
Here are some examples of adjacent and non-adjacent locations:
(test-case "adjacent locations" (check-false (adjacent? (location 1 1) (location 1 1))) (check-true (adjacent? (location 1 1) (location 1 2))) (check-true (adjacent? (location 1 1) (location 2 1))) (check-false (adjacent? (location 3 4) (location 2 1))))
Locations are adjacent when the difference of the x-coordinates and difference of the y-coordinates add up to 1.
(define (difference field a b) (abs (offset field a b))) (define (adjacent? a b) (= 1 (+ (difference location-x a b) (difference location-y a b))))
Here are some examples of nearby locations:
(test-case "nearby locations" (check-false (nearby? (location 1 1) (location 1 1))) (check-true (nearby? (location 1 1) (location 1 2))) (check-true (nearby? (location 1 1) (location 2 2))) (check-false (nearby? (location 3 4) (location 2 2))))
Locations are nearby when the maximum of the difference of the x-coordinates and the difference of the y-coordinates is 1.
(define (nearby? a b) (= 1 (max (difference location-x a b) (difference location-y a b))))