1.3 Server
1.3.1 Sequence
1.3.2 Cargos
1.3.3 Grid
1.3.4 Engine
1.3.5 Setup
1.3.6 Agent
1.3.7 Interval
1.3.8 Dispatcher
1.3.9 TCP Server
1.3.4 Engine🔗

Source code at engine.rkt

The engine performs the core game actions. It uses a sequence, a grid and a cargos table. The sequence provides new ids for adding entities. The grid keeps track of all the entities. The cargos are the blocks being carried by bots.

(struct engine (sequence grid cargos))
(define (make-engine size) (engine (make-sequence) (make-grid size) (make-cargos)))

The engine can add an entity. The location must be available. Each entity has a unique id.

 "entity is added at location"
 (let* ([engine (make-engine 10)]
        [block (add-entity engine type-block (location 1 2))])
   (check-equal? (entity-type block) type-block)
   (check-equal? (entity-location block) (location 1 2))
   (check-equal? (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) (entity-id block)) block)))
 "entity is not added at invalid location"
 (check-false (add-entity (make-engine 10) type-bot (location -1 2))))
 "entity is created with new id"
 (let ([engine (make-engine 10)])
   (check-not-equal? (entity-id (add-entity engine type-bot (location 3 4)))
                     (entity-id (add-entity engine type-bot (location 5 6))))))

The new entity is returned, if successful. Otherwise #f is returned.

(define (add-entity engine type location)
  (if (is-available? (engine-grid engine) location)
      (let ([new-entity (entity ((engine-sequence engine)) type location)])
        (place-entity (engine-grid engine) new-entity)

The engine can move an entity in a direction. The destination of the move must be available. Otherwise, the entity remains in its original location.

 "move bot changes location"
  ((size 10) (bot 5 6))
  (move-entity engine bot-id direction-north)
  (check-equal? (entity-location (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) bot-id)) (location 5 7))))
 "invalid move leaves bot location unchanged"
  ((size 10) (bot 9 9))
  (check-false (move-entity engine bot-id direction-north))
  (check-equal? (entity-location bot) (location 9 9))))
 "can not move to occupied location"
  ((size 3) (bot 1 1) (block 1 2))
  (check-false (move-entity engine bot-id direction-north))
  (check-equal? (entity-location bot) (location 1 1))))

The result is not false if successful, otherwise it is #f.

(define (move-entity engine id direction)
  (let* ([old-entity (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) id)]
         [new-location (move-direction direction (entity-location old-entity))])
    (and (is-available? (engine-grid engine) new-location)
         (place-entity (engine-grid engine) (change-entity-location old-entity new-location)))))

The engine can take an entity as cargo. The entity being taken must not have been removed.

 "block is taken"
  ((size 3) (bot 1 1) (block 2 1))
  (check-not-false (take-entity engine bot-id block-id))
  (check-equal? (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) bot-id) block)
  (check-false (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) block-id))))
 "can not take if block is removed"
  ((size 3) (bot 1 1) (block 2 1))
  (remove-entity (engine-grid engine) block-id)
  (check-false (take-entity engine bot-id block-id))
  (check-false (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) bot-id))))

The entity being taken is loaded into the cargos table and removed from the grid. The result is not false if successful, otherwise it is #f.

(define (take-entity engine id cargo-id)
  (let ([cargo (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) cargo-id)])
    (and cargo
           (load-cargo (engine-cargos engine) id cargo)
           (remove-entity (engine-grid engine) cargo-id)))))

The engine can drop an entity that is the cargo for a bot. The destination of the drop must be available. Otherwise, the entity remains as cargo.

 "block is dropped"
  ((size 3) (block 2 1) (bot 1 1))
  (take-entity engine (entity-id bot) block-id)
  (check-not-false (drop-entity engine bot-id direction-north))
  (check-false (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) bot-id))
  (check-equal? (entity-location (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) block-id)) (location 1 2))))
 "can not drop in occupied location"
  ((size 3) (block1 2 1) (bot 1 1) (block2 0 1))
  (take-entity engine bot-id block1-id)
  (check-false (drop-entity engine bot-id direction-west))
  (check-equal? (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) bot-id) block1)))

The entity being dropped is unloaded from the cargos table and placed in the grid. The result is not false if successful, otherwise it is #f.

(define (drop-entity engine id direction)
  (let* ([bot (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) id)]
         [drop-location (move-direction direction (entity-location bot))])
    (and (is-available? (engine-grid engine) drop-location)
         (place-entity (engine-grid engine)
                        (unload-cargo (engine-cargos engine) id) drop-location)))))

The engine can transfer an entity from a bot to a base. The bot must be adjacent to the base.

  ((size 3) (bot 1 1) (base 1 2) (block 2 1))
  (take-entity engine bot-id block-id)
  (transfer-entity engine bot-id base-id)
  (check-false (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) bot-id))
  (check-equal? (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) base-id) block)))
 "must be adjacent"
  ((size 3) (bot 1 1) (base 2 2) (block 2 1))
  (take-entity engine bot-id block-id)
  (check-false (transfer-entity engine bot-id base-id))))

The entity being transferred is removed from the bot’s cargo and added to the base’s cargo. The result is not false if successful, otherwise it is #f.

(define (transfer-entity engine from-id to-id)
  (let ([from-entity (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) from-id)]
        [to-entity (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) to-id)])
     (adjacent? (entity-location from-entity) (entity-location to-entity))
     (load-cargo (engine-cargos engine) to-id
                 (unload-cargo (engine-cargos engine) from-id)))))

The engine adds a base at a random location.

 "add base at random"
  ((size 3))
  (check-equal? (entity-location (add-base-at-random engine))
                (location 1 1))))
(define (add-base-at-random engine)
  (add-entity engine type-base (random-base (engine-grid engine))))

The engine can provide the data that a game viewer needs to draw the entities.

 "entities are drawn"
  ((size 3) (bot1 0 2) (block 2 1) (bot2 1 1))
  (check-equal? (draw-entities engine)
                (list (list type-bot #f 0 2) (list type-block #f 2 1) (list type-bot #f 1 1)))))

The entities are provided by the grid and the cargo is retrieved from the cargos table.

(define (draw-entities engine)
   (engine-grid engine)
   (λ (entity)
     (let ([cargo (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) (entity-id entity))]
           [location (entity-location entity)])
       (list (entity-type entity) (if cargo #t #f) (location-x location) (location-y location))))))

The engine provides entity info to be returned to the client.

 "entity info"
  ((size 4) (bot1 2 2) (block1 2 3) (block2 1 1))
  (take-entity engine bot1-id block1-id)
  (let-values ([(entity cargo neighbors) (entity-info engine bot1-id)])
    (check-equal? entity bot1)
    (check-equal? cargo block1)
    (check-equal? neighbors (list block2)))))

The bot and its neighbors are retrieved from the grid and the cargo from the cargos table.

(define (entity-info engine entity-id)
  (let ([entity (entity-by-id (engine-grid engine) entity-id)])
     (cargo-for-bot (engine-cargos engine) entity-id)
     (neighbors (engine-grid engine) (entity-location entity)))))